Meet Recovery Champion, ServeMinnesota Board Member and “School of Hard Knocks” Graduate Phil Rutherford
Of all the impressive items in Phil Rutherford’s official bio — chief operating officer at Faces & Voices of Recovery, past
Of all the impressive items in Phil Rutherford’s official bio — chief operating officer at Faces & Voices of Recovery, past
Jordan Hansen says that AmeriCorps service “gave me more than I would ever be able to give back”: It supported
In the year before beginning medical school, Alyssa served in Minnesota Recovery Corps and gained valuable knowledge and experience.
Taryn began service in AmeriCorps as a Recovery Corps navigator in Aug. 2018, and after completing two terms serving at
Here’s how AmeriCorps is working in a small Minnesota town to fight the opioid epidemic.
Sarah Paulus was able to combine her skills in research and data analysis with her wish to serve as an advocate in AmeriCorps.
As an AmeriCorps member in Recovery Corps, Jordan now helps others as helps himself.